Krasner briefed journalists in January 2024: ‘There’s A Way To Make It Less Adversarial:’ Law Enforcement And The Press

Lawrence S. Krasner was officially sworn in for a second term as Philadelphia’s 26th District Attorney on Jan. 2, 2022.  

Throughout his 34-year career, Krasner has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to social justice, stepping up numerous times in the past to offer his services for free to defend protesters involved with movements like ACT UP, Black Lives Matter, progressive clergy with POWER, Casino-Free Philadelphia, DACA Dreamers, Decarcerate PA, anti-gun clergy with Heeding God’s Call, anti-poverty and homelessness advocates with Kensington Welfare Rights Union, Occupy Philly and Reclaim Philadelphia, Grannies for Peace, and many others.

Early in his career, Krasner was a federal public defender before going into private practice as a civil rights and criminal defense attorney. In his last job before being elected, Krasner served as of-counsel at the law firm of Greenblatt, Pierce, Funt, and Flores. 

Krasner was born in 1961 in St. Louis, the son of a World War II veteran and author father and evangelist mother. He attended public school in the St. Louis and Philadelphia areas and earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago in 1983 and his law degree from Stanford in 1987.  

He’s lived in Philadelphia for more than three decades with his wife of over 30 years, retired Court of Common Pleas Judge Lisa M. Rau. After for many years on Philadelphia’s highest trial bench, Judge Rau retired to found her own private mediation company, Resonate Mediation & Arbitration. They have two adult sons.