Patricia McCabe is the Public Information Officer for the Supreme Court, the sixth since the position was established in 1935. McCabe began her career at the Court in 1991 in the Library as a research assistant. She joined the Public Information Office in 1999 as an assistant and became the Court’s Deputy Public Information Officer in 2006.

As the Court’s Public Information Officer, she is the Court’s official spokesperson and manages a staff of six employees who assist in furthering the public’s understanding of the history and function of the Court and facilitate coverage of the Court by the media. The office issues the opinions and orders of the Court, credentials more than 1,000 reporters each Term and operates a working pressroom provided for the use of a resident press corps and visiting journalists.

The Public Information Office is open to the general public and provides assistance to the Court’s many visitors, as well as members of the public who contact the Court. McCabe earned her B.A. at St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN, in 1990 and her M.A. at the University of Notre Dame in 1991.