Shalal briefed journalists in June 2022: How Will Intellectual Property Affect COVID Response?

Andrea Shalal reports on the White House, global trade and economics, the IMF and the World Bank, for Reuters. Over the span of nearly 34 years with Reuters, she has been based in Europe and the United States, covering the fall of the Berlin Wall, German reunification and the most recent German federal election, a host of U.S. elections, OPEC, energy and the environment, global arms sales,  as well as politics, the arts and civil rights. She helped found a diversity initiative at Reuters in the United States in the late 1990s, has taught college and graduate courses on diversity and media ethics, and lectures occasionally about Arab-American literature and media issues. She has earned a “Blue Nose” for crossing the Arctic circle, hit 7Gs in a Super Hornet over the desert in UAE (without getting sick), and was among a group of Washington-based journalists selected as Reuters Journalists of the Year in 2015 for breaking news. She currently chairs the Washington chapter of the Journalism and Women Symposium and serves as a shop steward in the News Guild for her team at Reuters.